Love Line Business Lounge #3 - Love Is...

Sep 24, 2020 3:15 am

Hello Friends!

You'll forgive me for getting mushy, won't you?

There's something I noticed this week that I would like to share.

Greg and I have probably had our best week since starting this adventure. We didn't sell anything, or gain a bunch more listeners or anything like that. It just feels like we're really aligned. We've recorded some amazing episodes that are going to hit your ears in the coming weeks. We've been fortunate to get some good advice lately. It's been fun putting that into practice quickly. I think we have a better idea of where we are going with Love Line for Business than ever before.

My wife and I, on the other hand, have not been feeling very aligned lately. We have really different emotional responses to all the COVID shit going on and uncertainty in general. I've struggled feeling empathetic to her point of view despite her being my favorite person in the world. Sitting in my basement has felt very far away.

But that's where the gift of contrast comes in. Experiencing how light and easy things can feel helps to understand that they don't have to be heavy. And knowing is half the battle. It's helped me adjust my behavior and that has made all of the difference.

Greg gave the participants of the Clarity Kickoff homework this week to list something they're grateful for.

Here's my answer:

I'm grateful for how the different parts of my life help me to be a better man overall.

Valentin, your episode is going live tomorrow. You are also our first repeat guest!

Ines, welcome to our little club.

Hoping to always stimulate your bottom line,

Bram (and Greg)

P.S. We also have a short, weekly newsletter for listeners of the show called In the Flow. If you haven't already, you can sign up by smashing this button:

Stimulate Me!

P.P.S Feel free to forward this to anyone that might find this interesting but the only way to get on this mailing list is to come on one of our shows.
