Top 4 “Blue Monday” Tips 🥶

Jan 17, 2022 4:58 pm

You might be thinking: "What are you talking about?". Blue Monday, the SADDEST day of the year, is here to stay (at least for the next 24 hours 🤣)!


But where does Blue Monday come from? Well... in 2005 Cliff Arnall, professor of psychology at Cardiff University, came up with a formula to determine this date: Blue Monday = 1/8C+(D-d) 3/8xTI MxNA. “C” refers to the weather, “D” to the Christmas shopping debts, “d” to January's salary, “T” to the time elapsed since our Christmas vacation, “I” to our resolutions to leave bad habits behind, “M” to positive motivations and “NA” to the need for change. All these variables together, according to Arnall, make us feel more distressed and pessimistic on the third Monday of January than on any other date of the year. 

"Take it or leave it"... but just in case, today and every day, we want to help you boost your mood with some tips:

Read a good book 🤓


Did you know that reading reduces stress and alleviates depression? We invite you to re-read one you really enjoyed in the past, or even better... immerse yourself in a completely new adventure and order a new book through our "Ask Anything" section!

Watch a movie 📽 


If you're not so keen on reading, why not crash on the couch and choose a good funny movie to spend this blue day?

Whaaaat 😱 ? You don’t have any good movie snacks? Not a big deal! Just go to and order whatever you want, we've got some great options and we'll bring them right to your door!

Hang out with your friends


We know, it's Monday but… you're in the Caribbean! So get up and call your friends, order some beers and snacks (obviously we can help 😇), and let the party begin! Friends make everything better, EVEN on the saddest day of the year.

If you want to make it even “fancier”, have your own waiter and/or barman at home. How? Hire our Services and you're all set. Blue Monday, whaaaat? 

Eat healthy


Incorporating “good-for-your-mood" food promotes the growth of “helpful” bacteria, which in turn affects neurotransmitter production. When this production is good and healthy, your brain receives positive messages, and of course, your emotions react accordingly. 

So what are you waiting for? Ask us for some healthy food and have a happy day!

Remember, no matter how this day makes you feel… we are here for you. You can order ANYTHING and we’ll deliver it right away!

Help Me Survive Blue Monday!
