7 Mosquito Facts You NEED to Know Before Visiting the Mexican Caribbean 🦟
Aug 21, 2021 3:31 am
7 Fun Mosquito Facts You Want NEED To Know 🦟
International Mosquito Day is here and we would like to take this opportunity to share some interesting information about these little insects.
You probably heard a lot about them hanging around the Mexican Caribbean but... relax! A simple repellent will be enough to keep them away and you don’t even have to leave your house to buy it 😉 Stay tuned to know why.
1) Only female mosquitoes bite
Both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar and plants, contributing to the earth's pollination process this way. At the same time they serve as food to other animals like fish, birds and frogs, playing a key role in the ecosystem. BUT female mosquitoes need a special supplement for egg production… namely blood. So if you get a mosquito bite, it was probably from a soon-to-be mom mosquito 😂
2) Mosquitoes are a REALLY old family
They date as far back as the Triassic Period, approximately 400 million years ago. Remember Jurassic Park and how mosquitoes helped resurrect dinosaurs? Yeap, that’s why, because they were contemporaries! 🦖
3) They do not like "Copal"
In some outdoor bars and restaurants in Mexico you may smell a weird but comforting scent, similar to incense; this is Copal, an aromatic resin popularly used to drive mosquitoes away. It is not as strong as a repellent but it is the perfect complement because it is also well-known for getting rid of bad energy.
4) Mosquitoes DO prefer to bite some people over others
This is because they’re very attracted to CO2 and lactic acid found in our breath and sweat... Meaning that any tasty beer you drink will turn you into a juicy walking beverage for mosquitoes as well 🤣
5) Get rid of standing water to help avoid their spread
They only require a small amount of still water to lay their eggs. Make sure to not have any containers, big or small, like planter plates etc. with water lying around for more than a few days. This way you’ll be preventing them from spreading fast, especially in your area.
6) They are a big and diverse community
Did you know that there’re approximately 3,000 mosquito species? Don’t get hung up with this number though: only a couple hundred of them include blood in their daily diet 🍽️
7) The deadliest animal?
Sharks, crocodiles, snakes, bears… these are some of the animals that might pop into your mind when you think about the deadliest animals on earth... but actually mosquitoes are number 1 in this category. Of course, it's not because they’re fierce, but because they spread diseases. Unfortunately, the main reason for its danger is the lack of access to medicine or even mosquito repellent in most undeveloped countries 😔
But you don’t have to worry about this, because The Mexican Caribbean is one of the lesser affected areas. Also, a simple repellent and some basic care will be more than enough for you to have the best time in paradise.
If you’re planning to visit the Caribbean, don’t forget that we can deliver repellent directly to your vacation home EVEN BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL!
Do you know what else we can deliver? ANYTHING YOU WANT! From groceries and restaurant food, to a private chef or bartender. Pretty much EVERYTHING the city has to offer. Let us lighten your suitcase by doing all the shopping for you.