Instagram LogoWhat happens to a neurosurgeon who doesn't believe if life after death? He ends up on my podcast!!!!!? ? I have a confession - this podcast got out ahead of me & it's getting rave reviews! ? You'll love it if you ever wanted someone to talk to your about how real love is, how quantum life is and how we all have separation anxiety about our spirituality. ? ? Dr Alexander has written two books about his week long coma and what happened when his doctors told his family that they thought the best thing to do was stop all treatment. His third book?, co-authored with his partner, Karen Newell @sacredacoustics, is about how we can all live with Love, live from our hearts and be connected with the universe. @ebenalex3md For the Free gifts ? go to www.LiveTrueToYou/DrEbenAlexander - he offers three wonderful resources to help us in our spiritual connection, confidence and growth. ?? ? 3 easy steps to subscribe to the More Love Podcast in your favourite podcast app: ?go to ?then click on your favourite podcast app ?the click subscribe or follow Now you will have every episode the moment they are released ? ? : : : : : : : #drebenalexander #morelovepodcast #livetruetoyou #thereismoretolife #meditation #spirituality #youareenough #selfdiscovery #synchronicity #divineguidance #soulpurpose #selfempowerment #youareworthy #soulgrowth #higherawakening #spiritualbeing #soulawakening #spiritualawareness #consciousnessshift #wholeness #powerofthemind #embracethejourney #heartcentered #soulwisdom #iamworthy #youarewhatyouthink #awakenyoursoul #listentoyoursoul #spiritualstrength #emotionalsensitivity
Instagram LogoThis is me! ? ? I've been hiding from social media for a long time. Now it's time to join in, connect, encourage, and grow together. ? If I could sprinkle fairy dust over you ?‍♀️, I'd want to you know what your emotions really mean, who you really are and I'd want you to feel Love. But I'm not a fairy, or a mermaid (I'd rather be a mermaid?‍♀️- I love to swim ?‍♀️!) I'm just an ordinary person ? who decided when she was a teenager that she wanted to know why everyone ignored their emotions like they didn't matter - sweep 'em under the carpet or bottle them up, whatever it takes, just get over it and on with life (familiar?). ?‍♀️ It just didn't make sense that emotions would be such a big factor in life if they didn't matter! After all those years, I know they do matter, but not in the way most people think they do! ⚡ Now, my favourite thing to do is show people how being sensitive to their emotions is their biggest asset for building their confidence, joy, power, intuition and their connection to love. ?? I also love talking about love, transcendent experiences and emotions my podcast called the More Love Podcast. +❤️? : : : : : #livetruetoyou #feelings #intention #emotionalwellbeing #youareworthit #livelifetothefullest #youarepowerful #personaldevelopmentcoach #wholeness #betteryourself #heartcentered #youhavethepower #staytruetoyourself #personalgrowthanddevelopment #liveyourlifetothefullest #takeyourpowerback #ownyourpower #personaltransformation #selfempowered #spiritualstrength #emotionalsensitivity #morelovepodcast