Here's how to make time for the things that are important to you (use this tool)
Dec 10, 2020 11:04 am
Hi there!
Real quick story and an idea:
I went to exchange a phone at T-Mobile. I thought I was going to be in and out. But there were only two people working there and atleast 3 people in front of me in line. I ended up being there for an hour, but I was so impressed by the two guys that were working.
They greeted everyone that walked into the store and put them on a waitlist. Ronnie, the manager that was helping me, did a great job of prioritizing quick jobs (to get people out of the store and create more seating) and double tasking so that he could make the most of time when phones or systems were loading.
I left a Google review, but just a reminder that it's the holiday season and stores are slammed. I was frustrated at first, but I left feeling appreciate for how hard these guys were working.
Uber for tech support for parents. Your parents (or you) pay $20/month to have unlimited access to support 24/7 when they're having issues with any technology (phone, WiFi, printer, etc).
On the back-end there are contractors who get pinged and get paid for every ticket they support.
The Challenge
Distraction part 2.
I end many days feeling like I didn't accomplish what I needed to.
I can't remember the last time I made time to work out or did all the prayers of the day.
I told ya we'd be coming back to this book.
Last week we covered WHY we get distracted > we are trying to escape pain.
I learned that I am overwhelmed by the amount of work I have committed myself to, and I'm uncertain/fearful of the effort it will take to build the businesses I want to.
This week we'll cover how to make time for your priorities.
"You can't call something a distraction if you don't know what it's distracting you from."
Getting distracted when you're trying to combat distraction is the ultimate vicious cycle.
I don't spend enough time thinking and reflecting.
We need to spend time to think about what our priorities are and set our values.
“if you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will”
Step One: Create a Weekly Schedule Around Your Priorities
We need to establish our priorities and then set aside time to spend on those priorities.
ACTION ITEM: Create a timeboxed calendar.
<< I made this tool to create a weekly scheduled around your priorities. >>
Before you start timeboxing your time, beware of this common pitfall:
Guilt-free time is time where you can do WHATEVER you want. If you’ve made time for all your priorities (health, family, career, philanthropy, hobbies, etc.) then should feel no guilt in how you use the remainder of your time.
I recommend having atleast 20 guilt-free hours in your week.
Recommended Order of Prioritization
1. Sleep: non-negotiable
2. Yourself: health, learning, prayer, etc
3. Relationships – family, friends, spouse.
4. Work
This order is NOT where to allocate the most time to least time.
It simply means that you should prioritize time for yourself and your relationships first.
All you have to do is show up at the time you set. The set time to show up at your gym. The set time to sit on the couch with your significant other.
The consistency of showing up is more important than what exactly you do during that time.
Prove to yourself that you're a person who does what they say they're going to do, when they say they're going to do it.
Step Two: Follow Up and Improve
This is the second step, but it's arguably the most important.
I’m sorry to say that if you don’t do this, then you’ve wasted your time coming this far in the exercise.
The real reason our attempts at creating productivity systems has failed is become we don’t allocate time to reflect and improve the system.
Consistency and Making Improvements. <- These are the only two things you can control.
ACTION ITEM: Set an alarm every week to look back at this calendar.
Maybe it’s Sunday night, maybe it’s Friday night. Maybe it’s Monday afternoon.
Just set a time.
Right now.
Great! Now just save these two questions to ask yourself during the weekly review:
- When in my schedule did I do what I said I would do? When did I get distracted?
- What changes can I make that will give me the time I need to live out my values?
Wow you did it.
You created a timeboxed schedule and you set a time each week to review it.
You’ve taken the steps to control your life and live out your priorities.
Are you excited?
I’m excited for you
Project Updates
💍 Manthrakodi
The landing page for is live. I reached out to 30 people through DMs to see if they could share with their friends but only got 1 more person to fill out the form. Need to come up with more strategies for getting more people to fill out their information.
In the meantime I'm going to work on the "ultimate guide" post.
✌ See y'all next week
If I don't send a newsletter by next Wednesday (12/16), venmo request me for $10 @monitormonkey.
Have a great week!
<3 Aswin