You might unsubscribe.. but that's okay
Apr 24, 2021 4:05 am
Hi there!
It's been a while... Since we last spoke I've:
- Failed to keep up with improving/promoting Manthrakodi (wedding marketplace)
- Not scheduled any new posts for The Ladder (church social media)
- Written 22 essays as a part of the #ship30for30 writing program
- Gotten preapproved to buy a home
So there has been a lot of stagnation, but I've also got some good feedback on the topics and writing that resonates with people. Here are the essays I've written thus far.
Writing has brought me to a big realization about this newsletter:
The Only Failure is Not Publishing
I've been on the search for what YOU will find valuable.
I'm humbled that people would spend their time reading my random musings and updates. So I wanted to make sure I didn't waste your time by publishing something you wouldn't like.
But that just led to overthinking and publishing nothing.
Which is insane because people keep subscribing to the newsletter! There are people who've subscribed and haven't received a single email in a month (hi there 😬).
Publishing daily essays has shown me that you never know what will resonate. Your best bet is to put things out there that you think are interesting or valuable and then see how it is received.
I recognize that many of you simply subscribe to this because you're a friend and want to support me. I appreciate you!
Others want to observe and learn from my journey of creating. I hope you find it useful!
But I realize that not everything I publish will be interesting to you .
That's okay! I won't take it personally if you unsubscribe. (It's actually better than not reading because my open rate and sending ability would be better 😅.)
My promise is that I will be consistent (bimonthly) and try to bring forth something new, interesting, or helpful.
Have a great weekend!
<3 Aswin
p.s. follow me on Twitter