His best mile time

Oct 21, 2020 6:37 am


Hi there!

In my search for pumpkin beer (sold out everywhere!), I ran across Blue Moon's light beer, called LightSky.

I feel like there was a missed opportunity to call it Light Blue Moon..


One day in Gym Class, we were running the mile and needed to find a partner who would keep track of your time before switching off.

Most people partnered with their friends, but my best friend told me that he wanted to run together. I hate running. But I would often finish early in our class.

My friend said he wanted to run at the same time so he could keep up and get a better time than he would at his own pace.

I've been thinking about this a lot as it relates to hard work and comfort in our daily lives.

I want to surround myself with people that are exploring their interests and working hard to create.


1. It'll provide me a context for what hard work is.

When I was working with the Noah and Mitchell from the OkDork team, I got an idea of how much time and effort it took to create good content.

2. By just trying to keep up with them, I'll end up further than I would've got on my own.

Shoot for the stars, so if you fall you land on a cloud. - Kanye


🤑 Niche YouTube channels that are making big money

Noah Kagan breaks down how YouTube channels directed at very specific niches are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. I thought the way the chess channel recorded sessions and turned them into clips was something I could copy.


🚗 Importing an Ambassador

  • I send over the pictures of the engine and car and got a verbal confirmation from DOT that the car would be cleared through Customs. That was enough for me to say LET'S DO THIS. We've started the restoration process. This process will take about 6 months so I'll keep y'all updated. :)

💍 Wedding Vendor Marketplace

  • I'm moving the website over to a more dependable hosting service and purchasing the Divi theme to make it simple to throw the blog together. I'm going to create the content plan and set dates to complete atleast two pieces by the end of November.

        The End

If I don't send a newsletter by next Wednesday (10/28), venmo request me for $10 @monitormonkey.

Have a great week!

<3 Aswin
