The Leader Assistant eBook is 99 cents for a bit longer...

Jun 26, 2020 7:16 pm

Happy Friday!

One more quick email to thank you for your support of my new book, The Leader Assistant.

It’s been an amazing week! I've already received great feedback from early readers, been featured on several new release and best seller lists, and even finished recording the audiobook (scheduled to release in August)!

As a heads up: The Kindle price will return to the full list price this weekend, so this is your last chance to grab a (digital) copy of the book for less than a dollar. 

Grab the Kindle version on Amazon for $0.99 before it's too late.

Thanks again for your support!


P.S. - I'm also offering a digital-only bundle that includes 2 online courses, a 1:1 coaching call, a PDF of the book, PLUS the audiobook download (once it goes live in August) for just $99 here, if you're interested in diving deeper with some affordable professional development and coaching!
