Is it just me?

Dec 08, 2023 7:31 pm


Is it just me or are things going a bit slower than usual at this time of year?

Normally we are run off our feet in December but we are getting around a quarter of the usual amount of leads coming in.

Not that I mind. I could do with a break but I have been hearing some stories out there that have made me think.

One guy involved in a large franchise told me that head office had only passed him on four leads in the last month. Not exactly a great return on nearly $800 a month. A few of the franchises have resorted to Facebook ads. Things are definitely tighter this year.

But fear not. This week's post is on the benefits of flyers & direct mail and how you can use them to keep those calls coming in during those slower periods. This is something the big guys don't do a lot but it can work well for smaller businesses (if you do it correctly). Learn how to do it the right way here.

As we move closer to Christmas everyone is going to need to juggle around their lawns to get all the work done in those short weeks ahead. I will be posting my system for managing the workload in the lawnmowing101 membership.

Here's to hoping the sun shines and the work is easy.

I have just finished listening to a Bentley Little audiobook while I mowed lawns this week. He is a bit like Stephan King who is an all-time favorite of mine. Audiobooks are not cheap but I have a $9.99 all-you-can-eat subscription. If you would like to try a 60-day free trial click here

Have fun mowing lawns and I will catch up with you all next week

Stuart Clifford
