because we all need more memes in our life

Dec 10, 2021 6:31 pm

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I've got my last blog post of the year with some recaps of all the books I've read (90) and published (6) this year, plus some look ahead at what I've got planned for the new year.

As an update now, I'll be moving to a bi-weekly email next year (to prepare for new baby and a changing schedule) but that doesn't mean I'm not writing! You'll still get updates from me, new book releases, and plenty of memes. I'll still be around every friday for the rest of the year, and you can always reach out on email or interact on Discord.

Patreon is the best place to be! You'll get plenty of artwork, memes, inside looks at future books, and some really awesome updates on the future of this series. Between the prequel short stories for TCOBS and Star Supernova, you'll get plenty of insider details on the new books coming!

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This week on the blog

2021 recap and what to expect from my side in the new year.

Read Here


Memes, memes, and more memes based on TCOBS. Definitely go read The Curse of Broken Shadows on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

image Elias before he met Brela and Farrah

image Every time I hurt one of my characters

image Oops.

image Brela in one meme.

Other links:

Discord | Patreon | Passion Planner discount code: LAURAW10



There aren't enough hours in the day for all the things I need to do... I know I'm not the only one. Thank you Sarah Anderson for this perfect comic.

Some readers have had trouble responding to this email (it is sent by my mailing server) so if your reply has been sent back, make sure you're sending the email to I respond to every email I get and I love hearing from you, even if you just want to say hello.

Sending you love, kindness, and peace for wherever you are right now.

Laura Winter
