the curse of broken shadows is a top faved in fantasy

Jul 16, 2021 4:06 pm

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KINDLE VELLA LAUNCHED, and The Curse of Broken Shadows has been a top faved story in fantasy since day 1! The epic fantasy even made it into the top 10 of all Kindle Vella stories in the first week!

Here's the deal - you can read the first three episodes for free, and after that, you use tokens to unlock episodes. The awesome bonus? Amazon is giving out 200 free tokens for anyone looking at Vella stories! Which means you can use those freebies to continue reading TCOBS.

I'll be posting new episodes every Friday, so be sure to follow and give every episode you read a thumbs up.

Come join me on Discord and distract me - I've got more details on the books and you can ask all your questions.

Here's the first review:

Escapists dream! This world draws you in quick!
Enticing, mysterious, enthralling…I’m addicted and wanting more! Each episode is so unique and gives just that little bit more background while furthering the story and adding the twists and enhancing the characters. I absolutely love Brella…and would love to feast my eyes on Cason a bit 🤩. The subtle and not so subtle character development is intense. I already am hoping for a mercy kill and an epiphany which resolves past torturous events…bring me more!!!

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New on the blog

I collected a few of my favorite quotes from some of my books and dropped them in a little blog post for you! There are some snips from TCOBS too, so check it out!

Read Here

WIP - The Curse of Broken Shadows

Here's a snip from a chapter titled Distractions. We get a little look at some of the shadow magic Brela can use.

“What about the command affinity?” Elias asked.

She shrugged. “Never used it before last night, and I’m still not sure I did. I doubt it’s possible for anyone to command a celvusa, but there were always stories about shadow-kind commanding lesser creatures. They also believed it took an insanely powerful magic. Besides, shadow-kind can’t command creatures from this realm, only ones from the shadow hell, which meant you also had to summon that creature first. Most of the famous legends ended with the summoned creature ripping the summoner to bloody ribbons before ever reaching the command part.”

ARC List

If you're interested in getting free copies of books in exchange for honest reviews, please join my list here! You can start reviewing The Stolen Lives, Star Collapsed, and Soul Forgotten - and if you email me a screenshot of those reviews from Amazon, I'll send you the next book in the series in exchange for another honest review!

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Work kind of got crazy with the whole surprise release of Kindle Vella this week so I'm trying to catch up with words. But my music playlist has been a bit lacking. Shoot me some of your recommendations and I'll make a Spotify playlist to share with all of you!

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Sending you love, kindness, and peace for wherever you are right now.
