Project milestones and no attention span

Jun 11, 2021 5:01 pm

I am about 1-2 days away from hitting 100K on my newest fantasy project (The Curse of Broken Shadows). I have NOT forgotten about Star Supernova (book 2 in the Star Series), but this new epic fantasy has just taken hold of my heart and become something incredible. For those who are interested in reading the first two chapters of this fantasy (dark, epic, and romantic), here's the download link!

I'm expanding my Discord channel to be a fun hangout for all of us - book chats, bonus WIPs, and inside looks! I'd love to see you there - PS, shoot me an email and let me know what other things you'd like to see there. I'm open to anything!

Group Promos & Sales

New on the blog

Book reviews! I've been on a reading spree and I thought to collect my reviews on a new page on my website. Here's a quick look at my top 3 so far this year.

Read Here



I swear I am literally every writing meme on the planet right now. I'm editing old stuff, writing new stuff, and just all over the place with my attention. Now that the weather is getting a little too warm for my liking, I'm cherishing the air conditioning. It helps that I don't have any new books to read (waiting for library holds) so I'm forced to actually work on my WIPs.

Please join my Discord server and give me more distractions.

ARC List

If you're interested in getting free copies of books in exchange for honest reviews, please join my list here! You can start reviewing The Stolen Lives, Star Collapsed, and Soul Forgotten - and if you email me a screenshot of those reviews from Amazon, I'll send you the next book in the series in exchange for another honest review!

Other links:

Discord | Facebook group | Buy me a coffee


I'm curious - what is your favorite trope? I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, which I feel has been the only trope I've been reading as of late. Shoot me an email and tell me your favorite!

I love hearing from you guys and I respond to every email I get. If you're a little shy, fill out the 'ask me anything' form instead!

Some readers have had trouble responding to this email (it is sent by my mailing server) so if your reply has been sent back, make sure you're sending the email to

Sending you love, kindness, and peace for wherever you are right now.
