kindle vella launch and epic fantasy details

Jul 09, 2021 4:11 pm

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OMG we finally got a release date! Well, as 'specific' as Amazon can be. NEXT WEEK you can start reading the first 13 episodes of that dang epic fantasy I've been teasing you with for weeks. Every Friday, I'll be posting a new episode/chapter for you guys to read! Be sure to do all the thumbs up, voting, and liking (or whatever Amazon will call their interactions) and share with your friends!

Come join me on Discord and distract me - I'm revealing a whole bunch of stuff for The Curse of Broken Shadows. It's gonna be a fun time.

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Raise your hand if you're a little confused about Kindle Vella, serialized stories, and what the heck I've been teasing you guys with for my new fantasy project! I've got it all set up for you in my latest blog post.

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WIP - The Curse of Broken Shadows

KINDLE VELLA IS COMING NEXT WEEK. I REPEAT, KINDLE VELLA IS COMING NEXT WEEK. Who is excited to finally meet Brela, Elias, Farrah, Cason, and Serill? I think I'm looking forward to introducing you guys to some new fantasy creatures like the vaarasuxa and lynxpie. This might be my favorite chapter so far.

“You’ve been to the desert before?” Cason asked, eyebrow raised.

“Yes. It’s rather dull,” she grumbled, eyes trained beyond him. She flipped a vulgar gesture toward the mountains and Cason turned to see one final lynxpie hiss at her before retreating. Brela flashed her teeth in a smile at her final victory.

Farrah leaned forward from where she was sitting underneath the shade of a rock, smirking. “Dull? I could still smell the vaarasuxa on you a year later.”

Elias chuckled beside her, but Cason froze.

Serill could barely form words. “The… vaarasuxa. You…”

Cason was struck speechless. The vaarasuxa, a four-legged sand beast with a ten-foot maw, teeth curved for shredding, and claws that could slice cleaner than lightning. Of course, that’s how the crystal-like armor encasing the already bone-spiked back, arms, and tail were formed. The creature was a magnet for desert storms, and the longer they lived, the more ferocious and untouchable they became.

Some believed they were the predators to drive the dragons further north, and the reason there were so few of the fire-breathers left in the mountains by Anfroy. The vaarasuxa were violently territorial, and could barely stand their own kind for more than a quick mating bond before the females tore the males to ribbons.

Brela’s vulgar gesture was back out and pointed in Farrah’s direction as she looked toward Serill. “Not to worry, Prince. They don’t venture this far north… anymore.”

“What do you mean, anymore?” Cason asked, annoyed that his voice shook slightly.

Here's the download link to read those first two chapters! I'm 140K words into this story, so you've got plenty to read (there are already 13 episodes live for when it launches next week).

And if you're curious what a vaarasuxa is, there might be a teaser in the Discord server for you... I've also got some character sketches, artwork, and other fun things happening for the release of Vella.

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