a prequel story to curl up with this weekend
Nov 19, 2021 6:31 pm
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Let's cut to the chase, because I've got an awesome WIP surprise for you. Sorry that my updates and mind have been a bit scrambled, but I can finally tell you that it's because pregnancy brain is a real thing! My newest badass female lead is coming May 2022 so I've had to adjust to a new normal - slower work pace, morning sickness all day, and a lot of fatigue. But she's healthy, and I'm hoping for an improvement in the next few weeks, so that's good news!
Next week's email will be short, because I 100% plan to be in a Thanksgiving food coma, but I hope my surprise below will make up for it.
Patreon is the best place to be! You'll get plenty of artwork, memes, inside looks at future books, and some really awesome updates on the future of this series. Between the prequel short stories for TCOBS and Star Supernova, you'll get plenty of insider details on the new books coming!
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This week on the blog
NaNoWriMo update number THREE! Slow progress is still progress.
WIP - TCOBS prequel:
How about I give you an entire story? Prequel Story 1: The Earth God's Arm
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This first story, The Earth God's Arm, follows twelve year old Brela as she is training to be an assassin in the earth kingdom. We also get flashbacks to how she escaped Valisea and how she ended up here. Keep in mind, this is not a light story. Her history is very messed up - this is an epic fantasy with dark themes - however, it is definitely a treat to help understand how Brela came to be the badass assassin she is in the original.
For those who have read The Curse of Broken Shadows, this is a real treat to get some backstory. For everyone else, I hope this short story and the preview of TCOBS at the back of the book will show you how awesome the book is and that you should go read it on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited!
And don't forget you can join Patreon and read the rest of the stories that I have finished. Don't worry, a real cover and title is coming soon, just have to polish up the whole thing!
Other links:
Discord | Patreon | Passion Planner discount code: LAURAW10
Who noticed these small moments in TCOBS?
I'm thinking of doing a commentary series on TCOBS to be available on YouTube. Some behind the scenes details, talks about the chapters and some of my favorite moments, and answer questions you have about the chapters. Is this something you'd be interested in watching or getting inside looks into? I'm curious about stretching some of my skills, and I've done podcasts in the past, but I'm wondering if a video series would be more fun... let me know!
Some readers have had trouble responding to this email (it is sent by my mailing server) so if your reply has been sent back, make sure you're sending the email to author.laurawinter@gmail.com. I respond to every email I get and I love hearing from you, even if you just want to say hello.
Sending you love, kindness, and peace for wherever you are right now.
Laura Winter