Finding God in Anime is COMING! (Plus, Cover Reveal Sign-Ups & More!)

May 18, 2021 7:21 pm


Good morning, friends!

I am so excited to be sending you this email because as the headline says, Finding God in Anime: A Devotional for Otakus is coming!

And in two weeks at that!

Yes, everything has been happening at blazing speed and my co-partner, Moriah Jane, and I are just trying to hang on! LOL!

Seriously though, God is awesome and we’ve been deeply moved by so many expressing how grateful and excited they are to read this.

I am unsure if I shared in my last newsletter, but this will be a FREE devotional (ebook only) on Amazon, Nook, iBooks, and Kobo. There will also be a paperback readily available on release day. (I received the proof this weekend and it is GOREGOUS!)

Speaking of that gorgeous cover, would you be interested in sharing it with your friends AND seeing it early?


If so, click the button below and it will take you to the sign-up form! (Psst. The official synopsis is in the form if you're curious what this devotional is about. *winks*)

Sign me up!

The cover reveal will be May 25th and Moriah and I will be sending out the cover reveal information this upcoming weekend. 

And not only will there be a cover reveal, but I'm organizing a blog tour and bookstagram tour! If you're interested in either one (or both), click on the button(s) below to signup!

Sign me up for the blog tour!

Sign me up for the bookstagram tour!

While we are still working through how we want to celebrate in terms of a book release party, one thing I asked Moriah if she would be up for doing is a manga photo challenge next month. 

And she was!

A very sweet friend of mine (Marg at margreadsmanga on Instagram and Youtube) made this stunning graphic and absolutely ecstatic for this photo challenge to begin!


(Please check out her profile if you’re interested in working with her! She is extremely kind and love the energy she brings into her work!)

And if you’re curious about what these manga titles have to do with the challenge, they are all anime (and manga) mentioned in the devotional!

On the writing front, I’ve been having a lot of fun! If you follow me on Instagram, I mentioned at the start of the #MerMayMangaChallenge (co-hosting with Maeve at Maeve_EverReading, another very dear and sweet friend who is also on Instagram and YouTube), I have been working on a mermaid manga!


Let me tell you, this might be the funniest story I’ve written yet! I’ve deeply enjoyed the characters and the overall story. I can’t wait to share more about it, but for now, I’m deeply enjoying just being in the writer cave.

“Laura, wait! What about Gathering Faith?! Any updates?”

I unfortunately do not have any updates, except that it might actually be until next year before it releases. We shall see, but I will definitely keep you guys posted!

Lastly, I wrote another piece on Beneath the Tangles about how Luffy from One Piece has been deeply inspiring to me as a Christian! God has really used this character to show me that labels and boxes really don’t have a place in life and that being able to go on this adventure with Jesus is the most amazing, dangerous, and epic thing we will ever go on.


Thank you so much friends for letting me share this special book with you (and writing news too)! I am so very grateful for each one of you, and if I could, I would take us all to the beach to celebrate! (Anyone else longing for the beach? Reply to this email and let me know!)

Have a wonderful Tuesday and don’t forget to sign up for the cover reveal!

See you in a few weeks!

All my love,

