Money is a risk! Let's help you play safe

Jun 13, 2022 8:56 am


Whether as an individual or an organization, it takes a whole level of discipline and applying the right measures to be able to control financial loss, impulsive spending and looting. That is why you need both financial intelligence as well as an accountability officer in your establishment.

On that note, if you're looking to level up your financial knowledge or upskill as an accountant, then check out these courses;


1. Corporate Financial Decision-Making for Value Creation

 Here Making for Value Creation we explain the key drivers of option values and explain how options might be combined to provide different payoff structures.

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2. The Language and Tools Financial Analysis

Here Tools of Financial Analysis we then discuss how the agency relationship between management and the owners of a company may also lead to poor corporate scicision-making.

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3. Accounting Analysis I: The Role of Accounting as an Information System

This course Accounting Analysis focuses on accounting concepts, principles and theory with an emphasis on problems that arise in applying these concepts for external reporting purposes.

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4. Accounting Analysis I: Measurement and Disclosure of Assets

This course Disclosure of Assets focuses on accounting concepts, principles and theory with an emphasis on problems that arise in applying these concepts for external reporting purposes.

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5. Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions: Advanced Topics

The course Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions will be useful for students to understand complex organizational structures through the lens of financial accounting information and will benefit investors, analysts, bankers, consultants, managers, and any deal-makers.

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6. Accounting Analysis II: Measurement and Disclosure of Liabilities

The course on Disclosure of Liabilities next explores accounting model for leases, both lessees and lessors, and a discussion on deferred tax assets and liabilities.

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