This Demon has no soul, but does she have a heart?

Sep 27, 2022 6:53 pm


Happy Tuesday!

I've been sick with bronchitis for the last week while attempting not to fall behind on my deadlines. It's been a mad race, but I made it. In fact, I did it three days early!

When I went to upload Devil May Care, I had the option of moving up my release day, and I thought, you know what? Everyone's been waiting for a new release, let's do it!

So, the wait is over! The next Famiglia Diablo book is here!



Last week, you met Aida, so here's a sneaky peek of Talon - one of her mates.

Meet at the Club.


Four words, and like the puppy dog I was, I was waiting. I would always wait for her. And she knew it.


The beast inside of me should’ve been embarrassed how much of a simp I was for her. Everything about me was Alpha, but when it came to Aida, I rolled over and bared my belly every time.


And it was easy to see why.


The door swung open, and she stepped in, practically glowing despite the dimmed lighting. Every eye in the joint turned to her like she was the light at the end of their sad, pathetic tunnels.


I didn’t bother to ask why she wanted to meet here. It wasn’t her usual haunt being that her vessel was a formerly young family member of the De Lucas. She wasn’t well-known to the famiglia. This allowed her to float in and out of the chaos the De Luca brothers were wrecking in Chicago. But it also made her an asset to them.


I suspected our meeting here was about that—the famiglia and the human masks they wore to exist here.


Someone dog whistled at her, and a growl erupted from my throat as I rose quickly, shoving the chair I’d been lounging in back so hard it tumbled over. Her eyes met mine as an amused smile crossed her beautiful, deceptively angelic face.


“Need a seat, sugar? I’ve got a cushion you can sit on.” My head snapped in the direction of the jackass speaking, my gaze honing in on him before I took the three steps to cross the room and grab his throat.


A choking gag slithered out between his slimy smile, and I squeezed harder. “I should pluck your eyes out for even looking at her, let alone thinking you have anything she wants to sit on.” I squeezed harder. “Apologize.” He gave a gargled reply, so I squeezed harder and shook him. “I said fucking apologize before I show you what your dick looks like turned inside out.”


“Talon.” Sharp nails stroked my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine and right to my cock. It hardened like it was competing in a bodybuilding contest and wanted to show off its muscle. “He’s not worth it, pet.”


And then I purred. I fucking purred like a goddamn cat, which was the furthest thing from what I truly was. But this is what Aida did to me.


Simpering fucking mess.


“Let me kill him then. He deserves nothing less for disrespecting you.”


“I know, pet. I know.” She stroked me again, and my cock lurched toward her, needing her touch there instead of my face. “But I suspect we’ve been called here because they have something else for you to play with.”


I was intrigued. Being Aida’s bodyguard left me at her side more often than not. I rarely retrieved souls anymore. I was handed the bigger things to deal with—shifters, vampires, fae, and the like. Humans were small prey.


I gave the man one last squeeze, letting my nails shift out as they sunk into flesh and tore through vocal cords. He gagged and gasped on air and blood before slipping off the seat he was perched on.


“Whoopsie.” I grinned at Aida, yanking my hand quickly out and bringing the flesh with me. I dropped it on the back of his body before turning to her. “Where you lead, I will follow, mistress.”


Don't forget to read today! Much love,


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