How would you like to get your brand in front of the KiddyCharts audience for free in November?

Oct 22, 2021 12:56 pm

We are going to cut to the chase here,

How would you like to get your brand in front of our audience of over 2000+ visitors a day for free in November?

Hit reply if you would like to; we are looking for editorial giveaways on our site, and a small number for our app too.

Alongside this. we are just about to release our advent calendar giveaways. We've done these for 7 years, and brand keep coming back for them. It's £250 for a standard spot, with additional costs for our bronze, silver and gold advertising packages.

Drop us a line if you are interested to reserve your spot. But hurry, there are only 12 spaces, and they go FAST!

Impressions for the campaign (#KiddyChartsAdvent) were over 800k last year, and have been as high as 1.2mill, so don't miss out on this wonderful value opportunity to get your brand eyeballs in the family sector in the run up to Christmas and beyond.

Any questions, let us know.

Hit reply to take part in the advent or to ask anything you'd like about working with KiddyCharts. We are creative, responsive and love what we do.

Take care,

Helen Neale, Editor

Prof Cert in Social Media (IDM) and Level 3 counsellor (CPCAB)
