Kaycee Bliss


In 2017, I was held back in the hospital after I gave birth to my second daughter. She was jaundiced, so she had to undergo phototherapy. I was already excited about going home before the jaundice was discovered. I felt disappointed, but I spoke to myself about new experiences and how illuminating they could be, so I got my mind ready for the journey ahead.

It took longer than I expected. I wasn't comfortable with the whole process because most times, the hospital doesn't have light (mind you, it was a government hospital).

"How will my child get better when she isn't receiving the supposed phototherapy." She was there from Monday to Friday. On Friday, I was certain we will be discharged, but the doctor who will examine her before she can be discharged rarely comes during the weekend. That was how we stayed there till the next Monday.

When we were finally discharged, my baby was as lean as ever. She has already gone through a lot as a baby, but I was filled with this sense of gratitude because it could have been worse.

I was so grateful that for almost 6 months, I didn't ask God for anything in prayer. I only gave thanks.

Gratitude changed everything for me.

I received countless miracles. Things I needed but I didn't ask for, I got lots of them, including a son!

If you want to testify, join my 10 days gratitude challenge right away.

Let's connect on social media:

Instagram: @kaycee_bliss

Facebook: Kaycee_bliss

YouTube: Kaycee Bliss

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