Praying for a Golden Month

Jul 29, 2024 9:09 pm

Originally a W.A.T.E.R. team from Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute was planning to spend July in Kenya. 

We knew that keeping six youth busy for nearly four weeks would be no small undertaking. 

What would they do?

Where would they go?

We spent months discussing details and making plans. 

Then Kenya started on a political roller coaster.

We watched in horror as a section of the parliament building was burnt.

We sat at a road block for hours and hoped protestors wouldn’t start throwing stones at the vehicles.

Violent demonstrations erupted in our local town.

Because of all this a few days before the team’s arrival it was decided they wouldn’t be coming to Kenya. 

Just like that the careful planning and preparations were no longer needed. 

It was a bit deflating. 

I admit I had a sense of loss and wondered if the use of mental space was just a waste of time.

As I adjusted to the idea I saw there could be good in the change of plans. 

I thought of all the things I could do with the now empty month.

There were neighbors I wanted to visit.

The children and I would start school and have lovely quiet mornings. 

Maybe this was really a gift to us after all. 

And so I told a few of my friends… 

“I’m praying that July will be a golden month.”


We’ve passed the two week mark for the boys. 


Dressing changes have become our new normal. 

We never know who the day’s visitors will be. 


we go through around 100 gauze pads every dressing change

I couldn’t have imagined we could source the amounts of everything we use. 


we use one of these every day

God has been more than faithful.

Somehow supplies keeps showing up just when we need them.

It’s happened time and time again. 

Last week I was helping Stewart as he nobly fed himself.

Gauze-wrapped fingers don’t make it easy.

Despite his best efforts he couldn’t eat without getting food all over his mouth.

As I wiped his mouth and the gauze around it clean

there was a huge lump in my throat. 

Even though I know this is all for a season I still felt so much sadness.


“This is just amazing.”

Our neighbor came to help us change the dressings one day.

She trained in the medical environment of the States and worked in hospitals for years. 


“I’ve never seen anything like this.

I was sure it would take months for him to heal.”

She hasn’t stopped telling me that.

She thought we’d be wrapping till Christmas. 

We’re so happy with the progress.

The deeper burns of course take time but it’s obvious that healing is happening. 

And we know who all the glory belongs to.

There’s also the healing that no one can see. 

And we know that this will take time too. 

Last week the days were cloudy and I wondered again how it could be so cold and we live in Africa. 

It hasn’t been easy for Stewart to be trapped under layers of bandages and watch visitors standing by with tears. 

I’ve wondered if this is what it’d be like to attend your own viewing. 

A few times I asked Stewart if he wanted to play a game with his siblings.

He was restless and very quiet but didn’t seem to really have interest.

Audio stories filled long hours but it’s hard to lose the life you loved before.


By the end of the week I was so happy to seeing him playing chess with a friend. 


And we know where all the glory belongs for this, too.


I was showing a few of my neighbors what happened when the boys were burned.

They didn’t miss seeing the melted pillow that was beside where I had been sitting.


“Satan was trying to get you, Madam Jamila.”

She fiddled the ends of her hijab and her face grew agitated. 

We had talked about it so much long before this time. 

She was sure that God sent us hard things because He didn’t love us. 

I told her over and over that even in bad things I know God really loves us.

Now she was upset. 

Upset that bad things happen to people she thinks don’t deserve them.

She was so upset that the devil seemed to be winning his way. 

Her face softened and she shook her head.

She had tears in her eyes. 

“This was so bad, Madame Jamila.

But God spared the life of your son.” 

“And you, you still keep your faith in God even though bad things happen.”

She shook her head again.


I’ve thought of what I said so many times…

“I’m praying that July can be a golden month.”


It’s turned out far different than I ever imagined …


But how could I miss seeing God’s goodness,

and the ways He’s granted my request.

“He knows the way that I take;

when he has tried me,

I shall come forth as gold.”

Job 23:10

“Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.”


