Light of the World
Dec 24, 2023 9:13 pm
Light of the world…
You came first as a baby
to this weary world so long ago.
Thousands of years later we pause
in this moment to reflect.
As we feast safely
and in peace
may we never forget
that all we do
is in remembrance of You.
We remember the people distressed from famine who know hunger and want in ways we could never imagine.
We think of those violated and forever changed by the chaos and destruction of war.
We remember the imprisoned who have suffered far more crimes against
them than any they have ever done.
We think of the children
everywhere who suffer untold abuse and live with continual horrors unfolding day after day.
We remember those who have never yet heard the story of their Father who loved them so much He gave His most precious gift.
We think of the sick
who wish to simply be whole.
We remember Your hands and feet all over this world who daily witness such suffering and harm that the effects linger in their own souls.
While we grieve for the brokeness
that surrounds us we still believe in Your Resurrection and the beauty of Emmanuel, our God with us.
Though we may falter
no darkness can ever extinguish
the Light that comes from You.
We know that you are the One who came to heal the wounds of the whole world.
And so as Image Bearers we join in the work of redemption You are doing all over this world.
May Your kingdom come.
May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
“Blessed be the Lord God… because he hath visited and redeemed his people … to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
Luke 1:68,79