Learning how to manage conflicts professionally.

Sep 10, 2023 11:01 pm


Hi ,

Happy Monday! We hope your week is off to a good start.

In our workplace (or even in our personal lives), we would often find ourselves in a situation where we would disagree with something that someone else has said or done.

  • It may be that your colleague is suggesting an approach that you feel is not the best solution.
  • Or your client may be proposing an exorbitant amount of changes to the proposal that you have made for them.
  • It could also be when the leadership is telling you to do something that you do not completely agree.

There will never be a shortage of circumstances in your life that you will need to disagree with people. And, in some cases, it may feel good to just get everything off your chest and argue 'til the end of the world.

However, in the workplace, there are ways to show your disagreement without disrupting the work relationship. After all, you can't really say "This is such a stupid idea la boss!" right to their faces, right?


Dilarang bodoh, OK!

We had the chance to meet #AuntyHR at the MCTF in Mid Valley this past weekend!

Working things through and compromising on a common goal.

When we disagree with someone, it is easy to follow our emotions and fight it out. We may feel like we have to win the argument, that our suggestion is the best option and that every other solutions are useless. However, we need to be able to listen carefully to our colleague's suggestions and identify areas that everyone can agree on, and what can be compromised.

Another common problem to avoid while disagreeing with someone is to remember that you are disagreeing with them because of the facts of the problem, and not because of who they are as a person. You do not want to be disagreeing with someone just because you don't like them. We need to be able to separate our personal and professional judgement when disagreeing at work.

Practice your listening and reflective skills as you work through the disagreement with your colleagues. Learn to really listen to their ideas and be open to explore new perspectives, rather than just listening for the sake of rebutting their points.

After all, there are many different ways to look at a problem. And there may also be more than one right way to solve a problem.

Learning to manage conflicts is a good skill to have, especially for aspiring managers and leaders.

As you think about potentially building up your career and becoming a manager, it is ever so important to be able to manage conflicts and disagreements within your team.

Join us as we listen to three esteemed leaders and HR professionals on their own leadership journeys, and how they have overcome any challenges and managed any conflicts in their career.


Sign up now!

[New post] Supercharge your career (& life!)

If you are feeling lost and confused about your current career journey, we invite you to take some time to ask yourself some of these questions. Who knows, maybe it can help to bring more clarity into your life.


As we bid you farewell for this week, we want to leave you with a quote (yes, a change from all the weekly questions we keep asking you, mainly because you have a list of 30 questions to ask yourself).

Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.
(Ken Poirot)

Until next time - stay safe, stay awesome, and take care!


Kejar Kerjaya
