It's time for you to shine bright!

Aug 27, 2023 11:01 pm


Heyyyyyy whatsup guysssss,

Yesterday (Sunday) was the TikTok Awards Malaysia 2023, and I'm sure that you have all heard how Khairul Aming (@khairulaming) won the Creator of the Year award by a huuuuuuge margin.

We personally have always loved using KA as an example when talking about personal branding, as he is an individual with an amazing personal brand. What's more - the way he handles his social media content and how he curates the stories that he shares resonate a lot with his audience and makes him feel more approachable and relatable to most people.

His win was a very well-deserved win, and his journey of developing his personal brand and his work is one that we can all learn from and aspire to follow.

We don't have to start off big.

KA spent years working on his brand, and it pays off in the long run. He started off small, working with what he has, and building on year after year as he gain more experience and builds up his credibility.

The same thing can be applied in all aspects of our life - both career and personal. People back in the days used to say, Good things come to those who wait. In this day and age, where you can easily purchase anything with a click of a button, we are easily agitated and may push for instant gratification. However, it is important to remember that not all things can and should be rushed for.

Think of your long term goal, and break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks that you can strive for. This can not only help you in your decision making, but also allowing you to be more consistent and engaged with your journey to achieve your goals.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's start working on that goal of yours today!

[Event] Transitioning to your first managerial role


We will be hosting our first Panel & Networking session on Saturday, 23rd September 2023 from 10:00am to 12:00noon. This will be at The Vocation, located at Menara UOA, Bangsar (accessible by LRT!). This is your chance to learn from our esteemed panelists' experiences in navigating their career journeys. There will also be time for you to connect and network with other participants and exchange ideas and experiences.

Refreshments are provided, and you will also receive a small goodie bag from us. Tickets are limited, so secure your spot now!

Sign up now!

[New post] How to be more confident at work.


Our #KejarKerjayaTips for this week aims to help you to build up your confidence at work, so you can strive to become the very best version of yourself. Read more here!

Before we send you off for the week, we have one request for you. Do follow us on our social media (Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) and help us to share the words out!

We look forward to meeting some of you at our first event! Until then - stay safe, stay awesome, and take care!


Kejar Kerjaya
