Taking one small step is better than no steps at all.

Jul 09, 2023 11:01 pm


Hello :)

Today's newsletter is partially inspired by an Instagram post we saw by @femalempire.co, with the quote...

But did you congratulate yourself on the progress that no one knows about? Honor yourself sis.

Most of us have big dreams to achieve in this world - be it personally or professionally. This can be just about anything, ranging from buying a house (or two!), having XX amount of money in your savings, reaching the senior management position, or even securing your first full-time job after university.

When we talk with our coaching clients to help them define their goals, we try to work with them to break their goals into smaller, more manageable pieces. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day, and sometimes, no matter how good we are, things may not happen according to our plans.

But that doesn't mean that you can just give up on your dreams, or that you should hold off on celebrating your win until you've accomplished your final goal.

Keep yourself motivated & celebrate the small wins in your life.

If your main goal is to secure your first full-time job, a small win may be attending your first job interview. Regardless of whether you were successful or not, you have taken that first step into making that goal into a reality.

If your goal is to achieve a monthly salary of RM10,000, a small win may be any small increment or salary increase that you get, however small it may feel to you.

Celebrating the small wins can help to motivate you and gives you an extra boost of energy to help you in achieving your long-term goal.

It's the same concept as how some personal growth influencers tell you to make your bed as soon as you wake up. Accomplishing something small early in the morning gives you that extra boost of energy to keep you motivated to accomplish bigger tasks for the rest of the day.

Reframe your thoughts on failures & rejections.

People often think of failures and rejections as dead ends.

When, instead, they can be considered as opportunities to take a detour, to learn from what went wrong and what can be improved for the future.

Being rejected from a job opportunity, for example, does not necessarily mean that you are not good enough for the role. Sometimes it means that life is telling you that your skills are useful somewhere else.

And, sometimes, a 'No' does not necessarily means 'no', but a 'not right now'.

[New post] Do you actually need a career coach?

If you've been wondering how working with a career coach (like us!) can benefit you, here are 4 ways how career coaches can support you in your career development.


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Until we see you next week, here's a question for you to ponder on...

What was my biggest accomplishment last week, and why was that important to me?

Stay safe, stay awesome, and have a good week ahead!


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