Time to build your career portfolio.

Oct 15, 2023 11:01 pm


Hi & happy Monday!

I read a fun article recently and wanted to share it with you. People these days talk a lot about personal branding (and I'm guilty of this, too. I love talking about personal branding!). But one interesting thing is seeing it from a different perspective on how you can develop and shape your career portfolio.

Background story - I used to work in university counseling, where I helped high school leavers to apply for universities. Some students, especially those applying for creative degrees (think fine art, photography, media, architecture, etc.), must prepare a portfolio of their best works. This portfolio helps them to showcase their strengths and abilities and acts as proof of how good their skills are to be able to get into the degree program.

When you apply for certain jobs (mainly in the creative industries, but it can also be applicable to other areas), you may need to prepare a portfolio. For some people, this may be just a website or a blog showcasing their past work. For others, it may be their GitHub or any other depositories.

Now, think about your career portfolio as a list of all your involvements and achievements so far in your life. This can be everything you have ever done - ranging from your student involvements to voluntary work, your internship to your full-time jobs.

We all wear different hats and have different identities. But all of these hats and identities shaped us into the person that we are now. They developed our skills, shaped our perspectives, and made us who we are.


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

Don't limit yourself to just one career path.

Because of our unique career portfolio, our future does not lie within just one career path. So why are we limiting ourselves to a certain field or industry?

Just because we studied Accountancy, does that mean we have to be an accountant for the rest of our life?

Just because we are a law graduate, does that mean we have to be a lawyer until we retire?

Just because we went to medical school, does that mean we have to end up being a doctor forever?

There are so many opportunities in this world, and we are much too unique to be boxed into one identity for the rest of our lives.

So, take some time to explore your own career portfolio. Have a think about how your different identities and hats intersect with one another. Then, think further about what else you would like to explore, and how your current portfolio can help you to get to that new place.

Remember - you are so much more than what your title or your degree says. So don't limit yourself to what is the 'normal' route for a certain career path. Instead, give yourself the space and opportunity to explore what else may be in store for you out there.

Who knows, maybe you can find something else that can light a fire within you.

[New post] Top 3 Resume Types


Yes, there are different types of resumes, not just your usual go-to chronological resume. Check out the top 3 resume types that you may use in your job search and understand when/how you can best utilize them throughout your career.

[Upcoming Event] Resume Workshop on Friday, 20th October!!


That said - we will be running a hands-on resume workshop this Friday (20th October)! Join us as we dissect your resume together and share tips and advice on how you can best highlight your skills for the job that you will be applying for. Come prepared with your latest resume and a list of 3-5 job advertisements that you are looking at.

Remember to use the code AWESOME during checkout for RM5 off your ticket price!

Sign up now!

Ask yourself - who are you, really?

Until I see you again next week (or on Friday night if you sign up above!), I want you to take some time to think about some of the top identities that you self-identify with.

Aside from your work and your degree/studies, how would you introduce yourself to people?

And a follow-up question to that, purely as a question for you on your self-reflection - how do your many identities intersect and help you in what you are currently working on right now?

As always - have a great week ahead. Stay awesome, stay safe, and take care!


Kejar Kerjaya
