If you are not failing, you're not growing.

Sep 24, 2023 11:01 pm


Hi , and happy Monday!

Last Saturday, we organized our first ever in-person panel & networking session. With the topic of Transitioning into your first managerial role, we spent over two hours listening and learning from our esteemed panelists on their unique leadership journeys and understanding how we can all prepare ourselves to become better people manager.


One of the areas that were discussed was on the topic of failing and making mistakes. As humans, we are not perfect. There will always be mistakes to be made, blunders here and there as we navigate through life.

But a true leader will acknowledge that mistakes and failures are not the end of the world. Instead, you take what you can learn from each failure to help guide you towards success.

After all, life is all about experimenting and trying out new things. You need to challenge yourself, push yourself out of your comfort zone. As you explore the world and try out new things, you will be able to broaden your horizons, meet new people, and develop new skills.

And, who knows, in the process of failing and experimenting, you may fall in love with a new area of work :)

Celebrating the small wins.


Thank you everyone for joining us!

Our first panel session was a success, yes, but it came with its fair share of failures and mistakes too. Some things were within our control, and others were things that were completed beyond expectations and we had absolutely no way of preparing for them.

However, as we accept our failures and mistakes, we also need to learn to celebrate our wins, however small they are. Our little wins, the small day-to-day achievements and successes, are what fuel us as we strive for the bigger goals.

And for us, one small win from our first event is having a few participants already asking us about our plans for future events.

[New post] Important lessons to know as a new people manager.

We wrote a blog post to share some of the lessons and insights from the panel session. So, if you were not able to join us, do have a read!


Read more

[Future] Kejar Kerjaya Masterclass, workshops/events, and more.

We have a lot of things in mind for Kejar Kerjaya moving forward, but we also want to make it meaningful to you. After all, we are here to help you in your personal and career development. So we want to make sure that we are catering our future events to your needs.

So, we want to hear from you. Reply to this email with any suggestions or requests for future workshops/events, and we will try to make it happen for you. Or, if you are a shy person, feel free to use this Padlet to let us know.

Some of the things we would love to hear include:

  • Your thoughts on this weekly newsletter - have they been good? bad? do you enjoy reading them?
  • Do you prefer online or in-person events? If in-person, where would you want them to be that would be convenient for you?
  • What areas or topics would you like to hear or learn more about?
  • What challenges are you facing right now, and what support do you need to help make it through?

We look forward to hearing your feedback, and thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us! Until we see you again, stay safe, take care, and stay awesome everyone!


Kejar Kerjaya
