Sunk Cost/ Crash/

Sep 28, 2020 3:38 am


I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and got to try something new. This week I reflected on my experience in developing my blog with the post Sunk Cost as a Tool. I write about how I used the sunk cost fallacy as a way to make myself write more. Sunk cost was one of those things that I had always been told to avoid, but I found it to be a remarkably helpful tool to get myself moving.

My other post this week was about the movie Crash and how it deals with prejudice as well as Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow. Please go watch the movie, its amazing.

I've also been reading a really good book called Kafka on the Shore. I'm about halfway done with it and I have no idea what is going on... the slow burn of slow burns

Hope you have a good week and you get the opportunity to try a new food!

