Fiction Fridays - Fancy a coffee?

Mar 31, 2023 7:01 am

“Exploring life through fiction, together.”

I love handwritten letters, though I rarely write them. They convey more meaning than type, no matter how carefully I chose the font. Words jumble together as I get excited. Or there’ll be a BIG word where it’s extra important.

And the crossed out words and ink splodges that turn it into half message, half painting.

Fiction Bite - Fancy a coffee?

“It’s just a text. You’re overreacting.”

“Overreacting?” The phone in Dave’s hand shook. “Read what the bitch has written.”

Jenny snatched the screen.

“Could be a lot worse.”

“So could terminal cancer, but I don’t want either.”

Jenny sighed.

“Maybe she’s reaching out. Why else message after so long?”

“A week before Dad remarries? No idea. That conniving little shit.”

“Could be a coincidence.”

Dave stared and stared. Then punched a reply.


“You’re right, it might be.”

Quote of the Week

“I think I became a writer because I used to write letters to my friends, and I used to love writing them. I loved the idea that you can put marks on a page and send it off, and two days later, someone laughs somewhere else in the world.” ― David Nicholls

Book of the month

A Responsibility to Awe by Rebecca Elson

Final Words

Yet, I hardly write any. I’ve got people to send them to, and plenty to say. I could make the time if I really wanted.

But I have an efficiency problem. I work efficiently, rest efficiently, play efficiently, even pray efficiently. And letter writing is inefficient, especially with my writing speed.

Yet I love it. Or maybe because of that, I love it.

I just need to do it more.

Do you have any hobbies/activities you love to do but don’t get around to? What are they? What’s keeping you from doing more of them?

With Love,


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