Fiction Fridays - It's not me, it's you

Apr 28, 2023 7:01 am

“Exploring life through fiction, together.”

I eat my emotions. Not just stress or sadness, either. If I’m bored, I’ll eat for a distraction. If I’m happy, I’ll eat to celebrate. Most of my days cycle around food, or the lack of it.

And to a large part, that’s ok. We need food to live. Eating together is a wonderful social occasion. And cake is just delicious.

Fiction Bite - It’s not me, it’s you

If comfort eating had a test, he’d be acing it. He’d hungry-caterpillared his way through the fridge, the cupboards, the secret stash, and the takeaway menus. As he lay sideways across the frayed sofa, lest the weight of his overfull belly crush him, he watched their photo album scroll across the TV. 

He’d be acing self-flagellation too.

Quote of the Week

‘I haven't touched a drink or a drug in many years and I quit the fags almost four years ago, but food, because we have to eat, is far more complex.’ — Rosie Boycott

Book of the month

Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Holiday

Final Words

But with other drugs, I can abstain. I can find events that don’t involve them. I can order decaf coffee. There’s no decaf food.

So I eat to survive. And because I’m bored. And because it’s Friday night and we have crisps in. Since food drives so many of my decisions, how much of ‘me’ is merely the byproduct of what I wantonly consume?

Or maybe that’s just my dinner talking.

What’s your favourite memory involving food? Or food traditions that always bring you joy? Would you be willing to hit reply? It’d make my day to hear from you.

With Love,


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