Your access to Writing in the Dark 2021

Sep 25, 2021 8:00 pm

Good morning!

After a great opening night of networking and discussion Writing in the Dark 2021 is ready to kick off Day 2!

Starting things off at 11 we have the Dark Appreciation discussion in our Sessions area, where attendees are welcome to join and share their thoughts with our guests.

Artist Lynne Hansen goes live at 12 with 5 Things Everyone Should Know About Good Cover Art on the main stage.

Author and editor Andy Davidson will be interviewed at 2, followed by Tim Waggoner's live workshop The Physiology of Fear from 3-5. You don't want to miss that!

Filmmaker and author Jamal Hodge takes the main stage for a poetry reading and interview at 5.

Our 2nd writing sprint is scheduled for 6, after which Briam W. Matthews will join us for an interview.

Tim Waggoner rounds out the day meeting with workshop participants, after which we'll have networking and a late writing session.

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I’m going to get back to start up the Symposium. See you there!



PS If you are a participant in the nightly live story workshop with Tim Waggoner please send your short fiction or novel excerpt to—thanks!

