RDSP Celebrates 20 Years

Jun 13, 2023 11:57 pm


  You're Invited to our StokerCon Anniversary Party  

Raw Dog Screaming Press published its first book, 15 Serial Killers, in 2003 so 2023 marks our 20th year in publishing. To celebrate we're hosting a party during StokerCon. It will be on Thursday, June 14th from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in the Elwood rooms at the hotel. Please drop by to meet some of our authors and raise a toast to 20 years publishing "fiction that foams at the mouth." We'll be giving out drink tickets, first come, first serve!


Girls From the County


The audiobook edition for Girls From the County has been released. It is not a simple recitation of the text but a true performance by the poet, Donna Lynch. There is also background atmospheric sound created by Steven Archer so it is t an aural experience like no other! We have a list of links where you can purchase the audio here.

We also have a free listen codes for the first 5 people to email and ask for one.

 COVER REVEAL: Bleak Houses  

Now Available for Preorder


We've revealed the cover for the first book in our novella line, Bleak Houses, by Kate Maruyama. The cover was created by Lynne Hansen and will be the template for the rest of the series. Read about the creative process.

Preorder for a $2 Off

  BOOK DEAL: On the Subject of Blackberries  

New Poetry from Stephanie M. Wytovich


We have signed a deal with Stephanie Wytovich for her next poetry collection coming at the end of this year.

On the Subject of Blackberries was a project born from my diagnosis of post-partum depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder in early 2022 after the birth of my daughter,” Wytovich said. “The collection is a quiet little monstrosity about the unspoken horrors of motherhood, loneliness, and the feeling of being haunted, but there’s also a fair amount of witchcraft tucked inside to protect the characters and ward away the bad.” Read the full announcement here.

  Vial Thoughts Book Signing  

June 24th, noon-4pm • Alderwood, WA Barnes & Noble


"Essler's exquisitely beautiful writing makes this a purely delightful read. Yet it still manages to veer in the direction of social commentary with the way topics like religion and the accumulation of knowledge are portrayed."

—Glamorous Book Gal

Find out more info on the store's event page

  Al Wendland on the Ledger Writing Podcast 

Wendland talks Haunted Stars, Sci-Fi Noir & Writing


Listen in as Albert Wendland and Austin Ledger talk about the adventures of Mykol Ranglen in his newly released, Haunted Stars, how Wendland created the character, and delve into many writing topics.

 Reviewers: Join our Email Notification List!  

If you are a reviewer and would like to find out about our available titles please email us and we will add you to our announcements list.


Valancourt Books

It looks like we may be entering another tough period for the small press. Here's a tweet from Valancourt Books that hits the highlights of what is going on. Valancourt puts out some of the highest quality horror out there so if you can support them by buying some books directly from their website, www.valancourtbooks.com, that would be fantastic!



  • Sometimes Being a Good Writer Means Being a Broken Person article by Van Essler
  • Tim Waggoner gives tips on how students can use ChatGPT
  • Check out Stephanie M. Wytovich's article on LitReactor: Celebrate Pride with These Speculative Graphic Novels
  • BookRiot featured Black Cranes edited by Lee Murray & Geneve Flynn and A Collection of Nightmares by Christina Sng for AAPI month


June 15-18

StokerCon – Pittsburgh, PA

Daniel Kraus & Cynthia Pelayo (Guests of Honor), Michael Arnzen, James Chambers, Kristin Dearborn, Van Essler, J.L. Gribble, RJ Joseph, EV Knight, John Edward Lawson, Kate Maruyama, Tim McGregor, Lee Murray, E.F. Schraeder, Tim Waggoner, Stephanie Wytovich

June 24, noon-4pm

B&N, Alderwood, WA – Pittsburgh, PA

Ego Likeness Tour June 17- July 29

Don't miss poet/author Donna Lynch and artist/author Steven Archer performing as Ego Likeness!

