12 Hours Launch Party (NetGalley Requested)

Jan 14, 2024 2:26 am

imageThanks so much for requesting 12 Hours by L. Marie Wood. The book has launched and if you have already reviewed it we wanted to say THANK YOU! If not, don't worry, we love reviews any time. If you post on X, Instagram, Bluesky or TikTok tag @RDSPress and we will share.


We are having a FREE, ONLINE launch party to celebrate this Monday, January 15th at 8pm EST and you are invited. You need to tickets to attend which you can get here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/12-hours-launch-party-tickets-792849202307.


This book is part of a novella series titled The Selected Papers from the Consortium for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (CSAP) curated by editor/academic R.J. Joseph. She serves both as editor for the line and also imaginary “Crypt-Keeper,” introducing each tale as a found document and part of the fictional journal produced by the CSAP society. The first book in the series, Bleak Houses, is now available and contains two novellas from Kate Maruyama. We have also announced Errant Roots from Sonora Taylor, Hollow Tongue by Eden Royce, Asylum by Sarah Hans and His Unburned Heart by David Sandner.


If you missed the first book in the novella series, BLEAK HOUSES, and would like to review it reply to request a copy. The next book, ASYLUM, is currently available on NetGalley for download: https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/312466.

If you want to be notified whenever we have new titles available for review sign up for our Reviewer's Mailing List: https://sendfox.com/lp/m54d9l
