From NetGalley about BLEAK HOUSES by Kate Maruyama

Sep 05, 2023 3:02 pm


Many thanks for your interest in BLEAK HOUSES by Kate Maruyama. If you have already reviewed it thank you so much! If you haven't had a chance we would still love to see your comments.

The book is no longer up on NetGalley but if you were not able to download it and are still interested, let us know your preferred format and we will send you a copy.

It is the first book in our novella series and, while the books will not be narratively connected, they share themes and aesthetics. To be sure to get future books in the series for review sign up to our Reviewer Mailing List here: 

You may also be interested in an anthology project we are Kickstarting titled BEYOND THE BOUNDS OF INFINITY. It is a chance to reclaim cosmic horror by featuring authors from historically underrepresented groups such as LGBTQ+, people of color, disabled and neurodiverse writers. For more info visit this page:
