The Arcane is Getting Closer

Aug 31, 2023 11:33 pm

The title for this email came from a subscriber suggestion. If you'd like to suggest a title for future use please share it with us.

  PREORDER Let Me Tell You a Story   

We're really excited to bring you another book in the WRITING IN THE DARK series from Tim Waggoner. Each time we think we've done all we could with the series but then Tim comes up with another cool idea. This time he's using stories published over the course of his career to illustrate important writing concepts and talk about what he could have done to improve those stories. It's a unique and useful way give writing advice.


PREORDER NOW to get the best price

We're currently offering $2 off the paperback and $5 off the hardcover

  Bleak Houses Launch Party Up on YouTube 


If you missed the online launch party for BLEAK HOUSES by Kate Maruyama you can now watch it on YouTube. This was a really fun time and also changed the way I think about monkeys.

  Kickstarter Updates 

Invited Authors Announced


We have invited 5 authors to contribute stories to our anthology: Hailey Piper, S.A. Cosby, Many SanGiovanni, Jessica McHugh and L. Marie Wood. The rest of the stories will be selected through an open call.

 Subscribers hear it first:  Submissions will open on September 15th! See the draft guidelines here. Also soon to be announced—Gabino Iglesias will be writing the Foreword for this anthology!


But in order to make this happen we need your help! There are 13 days left in our Kickstarter and we are currently 36% funded. If we don't get the full funding we won't receive any of the money. If you are not able to pledge then consider sharing this link with your friends:

 PREORDER On the Subject of Blackberries  

Stephanie M. Wytovich


There's still time to preorder On the Subject of Blackberries with a $4 discount. Get your copy of this lush and dangerous, illustrated, hardcover-only book now.

  Horror, Justice & Resilience  

Thoughts on Horror from E.F. Schraeder


"Horror movies, horror poetry, horror stories: they all cranked up the adrenaline and let me breathe. In a horror movie, you learn to predict the terror."

Read the full piece here.

 Reviewers: Join our Email Notification List!  

If you are a reviewer and would like to find out about our available titles please email us and we will add you to our announcements list.


Protecting a Writer's Legacy

by Tim Waggoner

Spellbinding Reads for Young Adults

by Stephanie M. Wytovich


September 9-10

Printers Row Lit Fest

Find our books on the Bizarro Writers Association table

Cynthia Pelayo

November 3-4

Halloween Hangover

Barnes & Noble, Libbie Place, Richmond, VA

RJ Joseph, Daniel Kraus, John Edward Lawson, Cynthia PelayoL. Marie Wood
