Your personal story turned into poetry

Oct 09, 2022 3:17 pm

When you woke up today…did you consider the horror/thriller value of your own personal experience?

Did you ever think your memories could be condensed down to a short story, or even a poem?

"Condensed down" might be misleading; poetry is all about communicating the emotional core from a narrative without the constraints of stereotypical storytelling, and doing so quickly.

Your status as an AllAccessCon supporter allows you to participate in Donna Lynch's two-hour workshop on Writing the Wound, detailing how you can successfully craft must-read poetry from events in your own past. Her workshop begins at 12 noon EST.

You can also watch new on-demand content from Albert Wendland, Michael A. Arnzen, Timons Esaias, and Stephanie M. Wytovich with Tim Waggoner, along with a vast archive of other materials available to our Evergreen campaign supporters.

Simply use the following special link that will allow you to claim an Evergreen ticket otherwise hidden from the public when you click on the "Register" button. The Evergreen ticket will be the last ticket option.

Click Here!

Also, if you register today, you'll be able to take part in Jessica McHugh's live workshop tomorrow evening on how to create your own blackout poetry, and download a complimentary copy of our Horror Poetry Resources guide.

Sincerely yours,

John Lawson

