Evergreen by AllAccessCon

Sep 17, 2022 7:19 pm

September Update

Hello, AllAccessCon supporters and subscribers!

Did you know the Ignyte Awards, hosted by FIYAH Literary Magazine and FIYAHCON, are happening this evening at 6 p.m. EST? They will be streamed live on YouTube.

This event is not an AllAccessCon exclusive; it is free to the public, and due to the significance of the award to underrepresented communities—and the continued mutual aid necessary to keep the awards thriving—we hope you'll consider attending and donating.

About The Award

The Ignyte Awards began in 2020 alongside the inaugural FIYAHCON, a virtual convention centering the contributions and experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) in Speculative Fiction. Founded by L. D. Lewis and Suzan Palumbo, the awards were an attempt to correct representative gaps in traditional spec lit awards and have grown into a coveted and cherished addition to the awards landscape. The Ignytes seek to celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of the current and future landscapes of science fiction, fantasy, and horror by recognizing incredible feats in storytelling and outstanding efforts toward inclusivity of the genre.Awards are given annually in the following categories:

Best Novel – Adult

Best Novel – YA

Best in Middle Grade

Best Novella

Best Novelette

Best Short Story

Speculative Poetry

Critics Award

Best Fiction Podcast

Best Artist

Best Comics Team

Best Anthology/Collected Works

Best in Creative Nonfiction

The Ember Award for Unsung Contributions to Genre

Community Award for Outstanding Efforts in Service of Inclusion and Equitable Practice in Genre

You can join the FIYAHCON team in this celebration, and support their cause, by visiting the link in this button:

Watch Here!

Office Hours

This coming Wednesday the 21st we invite you to join us live at 7 p.m. EST for live Office Hours where you will be updated on our event schedule and long term projects, while having your questions answered and being able to provide feedback.

This week we will:

  • introduce our new employee
  • unveil the new Evergreen event archive
  • preview the upcoming Read For Rights, Writing Poetry in the Dark, and comic book industry events
  • detail progress on other initiatives

It's all happening this Wednesday evening at https://live.allaccesscon.com/, the new address for our live telecasts!

Sincerely yours,

John Lawson, founder

