Writing in the Dark 2021 Day 3

Sep 26, 2021 7:58 pm


Ready for day 3 of Writing in the Dark? Here's the agenda:

At 11 Cynthia Pelayo joins us on the Main Stage to discuss managing your goals and professional boundaries to elevate your career.

Sponsors take the spotlight from 12 on with both Lynne Hansen and the Horror Writers Association delivering content in their Expo booths, alongside demos of tools for publicity, distribution, audiobooks & podcasts, and eBook design from our vendors. Seriously, these products will save you dozens of hours per month while increasing your chances of building an audience—all without having to hire a team of assistants!

Lucy A. Snyder reads from her new poetry collection Exposed Nerves at 2, followed by a discussion session.

The Underacknowledged Art of Editing panel answers: What are best practices for working with editors? Can you over-revise your work? Do beta readers and writers groups help? Hear from Brian W. Matthews, James Chambers, and Tim Waggoner.

Those who expressed interest in learning more about writing for graphic novels and comic books will want to attend our interview with James Chambers, who will also discuss the Under Twin Suns anthology.

The Sunday night workshop with Tim will be our final story workshop for the weekend. Also, we'll have one more session of writing sprints tonight at 7.

The day concludes with a Q&A session featuring Tim Waggoner at 8, so be sure to prep any final questions about writing craft, career advice, or anything else.

Be sure to drop into our Networking area for some rapid-fire after-hours connections with other attendees before

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Hope to see you at the Symposium!



