Guidelines Sneak Peek - Beyond the Bounds of Infinity

Aug 09, 2023 12:46 am

We try to make sure newsletter subscribers get the first notice any time we open to submissions so we're sharing an early look at the guidelines for the Beyond the Bounds of Infinity anthology with you early!

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We're hoping to pay pro rates for this anthology which is why we've decided to Kickstart this project. Sign up to be notified when our Kickstarter launches.


 What We'll be Looking For  

Keep in mind these are not the final guidelines and minor details may change but this will give you the general idea of what the editors will be looking for.

BEYOND THE BOUNDS OF INFINITY is an anthology of cosmic horror and weird tales from the perspective of marginalized peoples whose experiences and worldviews have influenced their interpretation of dread.

The anthology hopes to bring these diverse perspectives to the forefront of the horror community and, of course, make Lovecraft roll over in his grave!


Genres: We are looking for original short stories of cosmic horror that coil up inside us and leave us begging (and fearing) for more. Any genre is fair game so long as it has a cosmic horror core. We are not looking for splatter-punk, erotica, non-fiction, or religious diatribes.

Submission Window: TBD

Word Count: 2000 - 4000 words

Simultaneous Submissions: No

Multiple Submissions: No

Target Age Group: Mature Readers

Rights: World English first rights in print, electronic, and ebook, including a six-month exclusivity period. All copyright belongs to the author.

Response Time: 1-2 Months

Pay Rate: minimum .08 cents a word

(if enough money is raised we plan boost pay to .10 cents a word)

Diversity - Our definition of diversity includes:

  • Persons of Color
  • Persons of Native American Heritage
  • Persons identifying as LGBTQIA+
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Neurodivergent persons
  • Women

 About the Editors 

Vaughn A. Jackson writes under the speculative fiction umbrella, often blending elements of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. He is an Affiliate Member of the Horror Writers' Association, and is the author of two novels: UP FROM THE DEEP and TOUCHED BY SHADOWS. When he isn't writing, Vaughn is probably playing video games, watching bad (read: great) science fiction movies, or trying frantically to keep up the guise of being an adult. You can find Vaughn screaming into the void @Blaximillion on Twitter or posting photos of whatever tickles his fancy on Instagram @blaximillon_author.

Stephanie Pearre is the co-chair of the HWA Maryland Chapter. She lives with her fiancé, two adorable cats, and an equally adorable dog.
