Major event announcements

Jul 06, 2021 2:44 am


We hope the summer is treating you well so far. There have been many developments here at AllAccessCon during 2021, some good and some bad. First, here's your invitation to an event!

In Your Write Mind Workshop

AllAccessCon is proud to announce a partnership to bring you the In Your Write Mind workshop 2021 this Thursday, July 8 through Sunday, July 11.

Boasting two tracks of learning modules, pitch sessions with agents and editors, networking opportunities, author readings, and the Friday night Book Fair, this is our largest event yet and one of the summer's can't-miss industry conferences!

Claim Your Ticket!

Tech Trouble

If it seems you haven't heard from us in a while that's because our previous email service was a dud. After realizing zero percent (!!!!) of our emails were reaching those who backed our IndieGoGo campaign we've been scrambling to resolve the issue, eventually being forced to invest in a new service.

We thank you for your patience, and apologize for any missed event invitations or other correspondence.

We will send an email with updated links to past event recordings for all our IndieGoGo campaign supporters later this week. To ensure you don't miss any emails from us in the future please whitelist our email address using the instructions on our Whitelisting page. Thanks!

Tech Improvements

Did you support our campaign at the Vendor or Sponsor level? We now have a Vendor onboarding form you can easily fill out to set up your booth in our Expo area.

If you complete the form by Wednesday evening your booth will be included in the In Your Write Mind workshop. Just use this button:

Join the Expo!

Have questions or problems with the form please contact me at Thanks!

In the News

Over one hundred news outlets are running a story today about our partnership with In Your Write Mind. You can read it here on Yahoo News.

Other Events

The Like Sunshine After Rain Book Launch, for the charity anthology benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, takes place July 24th and 25th. We are pleased to present this event in conjunction with editor Heidi Ruby Miller and Raw Dog Screaming Press. All proceeds from ticket sales go to the LLS.

You can attend the reading panels and discussions with authors from the extensive and star-studded table of contents free as part of your lifetime access via IndieGoGo, or purchase a ticket to support the charity if you choose. Please click on the button below for more information.

Like Sunshine After Rain

A Personal Note

Some of you know me as founder of AllAccessCon, while others know me from my years on the event circuit as an author and editor. Over the past year I survived several major health complications, some of which required surgery, and it wasn't always a certainty I'd be around to continue the work of building our platform for virtual and hybrid events.

I just want to take a moment to say: thank you. Your support has been appreciated at every step of this journey!

Now that my health is more stable the company is rapidly expanding and should deliver more value than ever. Please watch our future newsletters for information about the next installments of our popular symposia Writing Genre While Black and Writing in the Dark, or visit

Sincerely yours,

John Lawson
