Secret Pucking Unicorn is here!!!

Jun 05, 2024 1:05 pm


Hey friends!

Woohoo! It's time to read Secret Pucking Unicorn, book 2 in my Paranormal Hockey League series. Early readers have been loving it and one has already read it twice and is going in for a third. I'm honored if someone reads my stories once but to read it multiple times is so gratifying. Reviews are so important, especially for newer authors like myself, in getting our books discovered and encouraging us to keep writing more stories for you to enjoy. So if you read a book you love (mine or anyone else's) please consider writing a review. Even a "I really loved character A, they made me laugh. I can't wait for the next book by Awesome Author!" will do the trick!

So, what's Secret Pucking Unicorn about? You met Declan "Mac" Mackenzie in Sexy Pucking Polar Bear and now you're going to find out even more about this sweet, sexy Scottish-Irish hunk of a hockey player. He's a wolf shifter with secrets (bet you can guess one of them - lol). He's been in love with his younger sister's best friend, Miranda (aka Randi who was Kendall's college roommate and Trevor Carter's cheerleading stunt partner - it's a small world in Shifting Pines, New Jersey!), forever but the timing has never been right for them. Now she is coming to work for the Devil Birds AND sleeping in the bedroom next to Declan's. She has secrets of her own, some she didn't even know she was keeping. It's swoony. As always, my story is full of witty banter and ridiculous shifters being goobers but there's a little bit of angst in there too. I have layers, who knew?! You can purchase Secret Pucking Unicorn just about everywhere, it is available to borrow through Kobo Plus and Everand, and you can request your library system purchase it through Overdrive. Here's the link to purchase and read the full blurb!


My friend Alexa Santi also has a release today too. Her new book is Majors and Mishaps and is a Regency romp with mistaken identity, reconnections, and adventure. You can check it out here -


My friend Marika Ray has a new book out today too. If you love beachy starting over when your life is all messed up romcoms, Salt Love is for you! Click to check it out!


I'm sure I'll think of more things to say once I hit "send" but I'll try to remember it for next month's newsletter. Unless it's something really awesome and I drop in sooner. If you read Secret Pucking Unicorn, I hope you enjoy it. It stands alone and is a complete story on it's own but if you want to read the first book in the series, Sexy Pucking Polar Bear, you can get it wherever you get Unicorn. And book 3 in the Paranormal Hockey League series will be released in the fall. I'll tell you more about that later! Here's the link for Polar Bear and I'll have the preorder link for book 3 in next month's newsletter!


Have a flocking fabulous day!

