Follow my not-a-blog to win!

Jun 16, 2021 7:11 pm


I don’t know about you, but when I work extra hard to accomplish something I want to shout it from the rooftop. Since I have no business climbing onto the top of my roof, I’m shouting this from my deck—it’s on the 2nd floor, so that will have to count.

After months of effort, my new author website is live. My not-a-blog is awaiting new readers and followers because guess what??—those didn't transfer when I moved! Wait…what’s a not-a-blog? Since I don’t actually blog, I gave the place where I post various writings—author interviews, the occasional random musing, tips for writers, etc.—a catchy name. I have no clue how often I might post something, but it certainly won’t be daily or probably not even weekly. I’m too busy writing to keep up with that kind of schedule. Hence, a not-a-blog. You can find it at:

Do you want to WIN

an ereader or $50 Amazon gift card?

Here’s how: between June 16 and July 14, 2021 (that’s a month for those calendar-challenged—which some days applies to me—folks out there) comment & share any blog post and follow the blog. Each comment counts as an entry, so comment on as many as you’d like (but only once per article). The winner will be announced after July 14 once I have time to count up all the entries.

To comment, scroll to the bottom of an article, type in your comment, AND to follow the blog, check the Notify me of new posts via email box (see picture).


To share a post, simply click one of the share icons located at the end of the article and before the comments section.


That’s it! Easy peasy.

And since I always like to offer my readers some fun reading possibilities, check out this Beach Read Bonanza - Cozies & Clean Romance Books at:

I hope life offers you something sweet. Until next time, stay safe.

Jeanne Felfe (aka, you'll just have to wait to find out!)
