A Weird Weather November Quickie

Nov 07, 2023 8:15 pm

I don’t know about where you are, but the weather here has been seriously confused. So much so, the pollen report today showed tree pollen. Tree pollen in November? Yikes! I’m not complaining about the extra sun we’re seeing this November. Since I tend toward a November depression due to the lack of sun, I cheer when it’s sunny…which is not usually the case for November.

Anyway, the weather and my clothing choices are likely to change at least once every day. How ’bout where you are? How has your weather been compared to historically?

I’m keeping this short since:1) it’s too pretty outside to sit at my desk; 2) I’m in the process of moving my office from one room to another and it’s a major undertaking; and 3) hmmm…there isn’t one.

Before I forget, all US readers who open this month’s email will be entered for a chance to win your choice of a paperback copy of Milestones in Writing (A Saturday Writers Anthology) OR Elemental Tales OR Bridge to Us. Non-US readers will be entered to win an ebook copy of Elemental Tales OR Bridge to Us.

And now on to the November offerings:

Romance Abounds (click the pictures):




(Click here for this one) Sweet November Stories

And a couple of books that look like they might be worth a look.



Some Non-Fiction You Might Enjoy



That's it for now. I need to step outside and soak up some vitamin D.

Thank you for your continued support.

With Light, Love, and Appreciation,


Author of Bridge to Us
