Glasses and A Big Wet Puppy Nose

Aug 09, 2023 11:06 am


I have new(er) neighbors. They have an 11-year-old son who walks their 5-month-old as-yet-untrained black lab-terrier mix. I’m pretty sure the puppy outweighs the kid. Maybe not, but he’s one strong fur beast. I’ve been watching them walk past my window for weeks, and I’ve wanted to meet the puppy, so several days ago, I did. I greeted the pup in front of my house and he jumped up and wham, his giant dog nose landed smack dab in the middle of my left lens. Just about knocked me over. Did you know rimless glasses can cut you if pushed hard enough? Yeah, neither did I. One minor laceration (tiny, really) and a trip for a frame adjustment and I’m almost good as new. But I now have a newfound respect for puppies who are too big for their training. And for the little boys (girls) who walk them.

Last month, I talked about AI, and how it’s affecting authors. While I’m not a big enough author for anyone to try this with me, I wanted to share Jane Friedman’s experience. Jane is a well-known publishing expert, and previously worked for Writer’s Digest. She’s been battling Amazon and Goodreads to have fake books which are attributed to her, but are not hers, removed. You can read about it here—

These fake books will hurt reputation and that of any author suffering through this ridiculous debacle.

The New York Times ran an article on August 5, 2023, about travel guidebooks created by AI flooding Amazon (click here for a gift link). Want to travel somewhere and are looking for a guide? Buyer beware.

What does all this mean to you, dear reader? Well, first, keep reading. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing that. However, before you buy a book on Amazon (until they get their act together and stop this nonsense), please use the Look Inside feature to ensure the book you think is by that author you love actually is and is actually real. Most authors maintain a website on some sort, so you could also look there. All of my books are displayed on my site, except for various anthologies that only contain one or more of my short stories.

This isn’t the end of AI in publishing issues. It’s not the end of AI issues in other areas of our lives, either. My work here is to help you be aware.

Now, onto this month’s contest. Last month’s drawing was for an ebook copy of On a City Street by Pat Wahler. The winner is Tina R., and she’s been contacted. Congratulations!

This month, the drawing will be for a paperback copy of Elemental Tales autographed by yours truly (sorry, US addresses only). You know the drill…each click earns a chance to win.



Like to read true stories about strong women? Mom’s memoir, I Want to Live!, is featured in this collection of non-fiction books on sale. Just click the picture.


And take advantage of these Kindle Unlimited book promotions and read, read, read. Just click the pictures below.


Sweethearts and Sunsets



While I haven't yet read this series, it looks like a great addition to my pool reads.


Thank you for your continued support.

With Light, Love, and Appreciation,


Author of Bridge to Us
