A Quickie Out of the Cold
Oct 24, 2020 4:27 am
OMG! We went from a record-tying 86 degrees yesterday to an overnight low of 38. Have I mentioned I hate the cold? Brrrrr.
Yesterday was crunch day. I have a lot of plants, as in so many plants I could be called the crazy plant lady. Many of those plants live inside my house in the winter (I'll post some pictures next time). Those came in a week ago in a mad dash to find places for everyone before a frost warning. Yesterday, I focused on the plants which have to be dug up each year that I insist on growing in huge tubs—canna lilies, bananas, and elephant ears. Take a look at some before and after pictures. This is only 4 of the tubs—there are at least 16, most of them surrounding the pool. The hubs took time out from wine making to give me a hand because he didn't want to see me cry.
And some harvested leaves—my bestie uses leaves to create the most amazing pottery pieces. I'll share some pictures next time.
Oh, you wanted books? How silly of me. No problem...I've got a couple of promos to share.
Chase away the cold with Romance
And a couple of books that look interesting for you to check out:
That's it for today. Now I just need to figure out how to tell if the sweet peppers I planted too late and am trying to get to complete its growth (on the dining room table no less) are ripe. If you know, drop me a line. They are the itty bitty variety—as you can see, there are a few red ones.
Hello fall (at least I think it's fall...or maybe not...I think it should still be April),
Jeanne Felfe