It's Unfair To Take One's Tolerance For Granted

May 31, 2023 7:06 am


The Dangers of Taking Your Partner's Tolerance and Patience for Granted

, you'll agree with me that we all have that one friend who is just so patient and tolerant. They can put up with anything, from our bad jokes to our messy habits. But what happens when we start to take their patience and tolerance for granted?

Here are a few dangers of taking your partner's tolerance and patience for granted:

You may start to treat them poorly

When we know that someone will always forgive us, we're more likely to take them for granted. This can lead to us treating them poorly, either verbally or physically.

You may lose them

, if you continue to take your partner's patience and tolerance for granted, they may eventually reach their breaking point and leave you.

You may miss out on a great relationship

A partner who is patient and tolerant is a rare find. If you take them for granted, you may miss out on a great relationship, . They may never complain nor drop hints of their dissatisfaction with you, but they'd slowly begin to unlove you. Might take a while, but soon, you'd lose them.

So , how can you avoid taking your partner's patience and tolerance for granted? Here are a few tips:

  • Be grateful: Let your partner know how much you appreciate their patience and tolerance. Tell them how lucky you feel to have them in your life.
  • Be mindful of your words and actions: When you're feeling frustrated or angry, take a step back before you say or do anything that could hurt your partner.
  • Make an effort to be more patient and tolerant yourself: If you want your partner to be patient and tolerant with you, you need to be willing to do the same for them.
  • Make them a card or a poem: Tell them all the things you love about them, and how grateful you are for their patience and tolerance.
  • Give them a gift that shows you've been paying attention: If they've been talking about wanting a new book or a new piece of jewelry, get it for them.
  • Plan a special date night: Take them out to their favorite restaurant or go for a walk in their favorite park.
  • Just tell them how much you appreciate them: Sometimes, the simplest things are the most effective. Tell your partner how much you love them, and how grateful you are for their patience and tolerance. , never forget nor cease from reaffirming your love and commitment to them.
  • Lastly, make efforts to change: There's hat always a limit and breaking point for everything —tolerance inclusive. That bad behavioural pattern which your partner tolerate might be the end of an amazing relationship if you refuse to change. Make efforts to be and do better.

, I believe you now understand that taking your partner's patience and tolerance for granted is a surefire way to damage your relationship. If you want to have a happy and healthy relationship, it's important to show your partner how much you appreciate them.

May your love life blossom.

With ❤️,

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

avatar Georgelin Grant
I'd say, "all the tine", rather than sometimes. That the simplest of things, are more effective .