I Love You This Much ❤️
Feb 18, 2024 5:39 am
I Love You This Much
Glee greetings, !
I hope this musing finds you well and happy. Today, I want to share with you a poem that I wrote 5 years ago. It is titled "I Love You This Much" and it is about my personal experience of being rescued by God from a hopeless situation.
The poem is inspired by the biblical story of Jonah, who was swallowed by a big fish after disobeying God's command to preach to the people of Nineveh. Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of the fish, praying and repenting of his sin. God heard his prayer and commanded the fish to vomit him out on dry land.
In my poem, I compare myself to Jonah, who felt like he was drowning in the sea of his troubles. I felt like I had no value, no purpose, no hope. I tried to find a way out of my misery, but nothing worked. I was sinking deeper and deeper into despair.
But then, something amazing happened. I saw a man hanging from a fishing line, with hooks piercing his hands. He was bleeding, but he was smiling. He looked at me with love and compassion, and he invited me to hold on to him. He was the only one who could save me from the depths of the ocean.
That man was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died on the cross for my sins and yours. He took the punishment that we deserved, so that we could be forgiven and reconciled with God. He rose from the dead on the third day, and he is alive today, offering us his grace and mercy.
He loves us so much that he gave his life for us. He loves us so much that he wants to rescue us from our sins and sorrows. He loves us so much that he says to each one of us: "I love you this much".
That is the message of my poem, and that is the message of the gospel. I hope that it touches your heart and inspires you to trust in Jesus, who is the only way, the truth, and the life.
If you want to read the poem, you can find it below. I hope you enjoy it and share it with others. Thank you for reading this newsletter, and may God bless you.
I Love You This Much
Stubble had more value
Compared to me and all I had.
Deep within I felt so empty
Yearning for a refill
But no one, nothing could do.
So I got me on my boat
Sailing to a land unknown
Nomadic call in my heart I follow
Casting cares and fears aside
Refill I seek for my empty inside.
Birds chirp past in happy wings
Piercing through same boisterous wind
that rocked my boat to the ocean bed
I am drowning,
No one caring
I wish I were a bird
I could've flapped my broken wings
and pierce through the wind
But how could I fly
When I'm sunk under water?
Under water like Prophet Jonah
In many random whispers
I wondered where went Jehovah
When the wind and sea and sail
Conspired to sink my ship
and the devil hoard saving grace?
I got mad threw tantrums
As I sink like a piece of rock
Into the ocean dropped.
"I have wings not designed for water
I could swim, Lord fins would've been better!"
And in few feeble whispers
I silently prayed for salvation.
Then I saw a bait, line and sinker
Dropping down a known stranger.
I thought fishes are taken up when baited
Why dost this sink and not rise above water?
I watched as this captured man
Hands hooked by the palms
Dangling from the line and sinker
Bleeding yet smiling down at me.
Shame stars!
In His eyes are twinkles I've never seen -
He beckoned I hold onto him
Like a ship to her anchor
He bore the pain
While I clung on
Up and on he took me higher
From the ocean bed above water.
He still bleed and I feel sorry
"You could've just dropped the line!"
I blinkered.
"...and draw me out of the water.
Why hook it to your palms
just to save my life?"
Though I'm grateful He saved me.
But I felt He did foolishly.
He smiled again
And his face shone
And when He spoke
The cosmic trembled
Arms on my trembling shoulder
He whispered to my ailing heart
And said 'I love you this much'
With ❤️,
Jaachị Anyatọnwụ