Aloneness and Loneliness: What's the Difference?

Apr 28, 2023 7:01 pm

, ever wondered if aloneness and loneliness are one and the same? Here's a convo I had with a friend.

Friend: Hey Jaachi, I've been feeling really alone lately. Do you have any advice to make it more bearable?

Me: Of course! First of all, it's important to remember that being alone is not the same thing as being lonely. Sometimes it can be nice to have some alone time to recharge.

Friend: Yeah, but it's not always by choice. Sometimes it feels like everyone else is out there having fun without me.

Me: I totally get it. In those moments, it can be helpful to find a distraction. Maybe take up a new hobby, or try talking to yourself. It might sound silly, but it can actually be really cathartic.

Friend: Haha, talking to myself? That's crazy!

Me: Is it though? I mean, who's a better listener than yourself? Plus, you can practice your spoken word pieces without fear of bombing or boos.

Friend: Okay, fair point. What else can I do?

Me: Well, if you're up for the responsibility, getting a pet can be a great way to combat loneliness. They provide unconditional love and you'll never have to eat alone again. But, on a second thought, I think you should learn to enjoy your own company. It's bliss, I kid you not.

Friend: Hmm, that's an idea. But what if I'm worried about FOMO?

Me: Ah, the most dreaded FOMO. But let's be honest, you're not really missing out on anything except the opportunity to binge-watch your favourite show in your underwear.

Friend: Haha, true that. Thanks for the advice, Jaachi. I feel better already.

Me: Anytime, man. Just remember, sometimes the best company is your own.


Well , first of all, let's start by acknowledging that being alone and feeling lonely are two different things. Aloneness can be a choice, a chance to recharge and enjoy your own company. Loneliness, on the other hand, can be a tough feeling to deal with, even when surrounded by others.

But fear not, saith the Lord! Lol.

Whether you're feeling alone or lonely, here are some humorous tips to make the most out of your situation:

  • Invest in a plant: It's the perfect companion that won't talk back or judge you for wearing the same sweatpants for a week straight.
  • Take up a new hobby: Whether it's painting, knitting, or playing the ala nchọrọ, you'll be so busy with your new activity that you won't even notice you're alone.
  • Talk to yourself: You should be your manest man, darl. Hey, it's not weird if you're hilarious, right? Plus, you can practice your poetry, music, presentation or speech without an audience judging you.
  • Get a pet: Not only will they provide you with unconditional love, but you'll also have someone to blame your farts on, if you have a beans addiction, like me.

Lastly, remember that FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is overrated. You're not missing out on anything, bro, except for the opportunity to binge-watch your favourite show while munching munchy aki awụsa in your birthday suit.

Just embrace your aloneness or loneliness, and make the most out of it. Who knows, you might just discover something amazing about yourself in the process.

With ❤, Jaachi Anyatonwu.
