They Banned Crypto, We Outsmart Them!

Jun 14, 2021 7:00 pm


Hi , this email is major shift from the usual content you get from me, but trust me, it's worth your time. I will be sending more tech/business related emails. Read on.

With Flitaa, you're able to buy and trade without the need for peers. You buy and sell as you wish without hassles, right here in Nigeria. The platform has launched to help Nigerians buy and sell crypto without issues. Sign up for free using this link >>

, Here's What You Can Do With Flitaa

  1. You can deposit cash or crypto with multiple payment options — Card, bank e.t.c
  2. Send, receive, buy, sell and swap between cryptos and cash.
  3. Buy, sell & trade Multiple cryptocurrencies.
  4. Buy crypto as low as ₦ 500
  5. Swap between crypto. e.g Bitcoin to Ripple.
  6. Earn free Bitcoin for life by inviting friends when you sign up using this link >>

Flitaa offers you the most beginner friendly experience you can find. It's built with the latest technologies and best practices to deliver a fast crypto user experience.

Go ahead now, , and click and sign up immediately and begin your awesome journey in cryptocurrency trading and buying.

I got your back on this. Get on and enjoy!

Jaachi Anyatonwu
