Either I WRITE something worth READING or I DO something worth WRITING

Jul 17, 2023 6:01 am


Either I WRITE something worth READING or I DO something worth WRITING

Dear ,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you had a wonderful weekend filled with joy and relaxation. As we embrace a brand new week, let's take a moment to reflect on the quote that has been resonating with me lately: "Either I WRITE something worth READING or I DO something worth WRITING."

In a world that's ceaselessly overflowing with information, it is easy to get lost in the vast sea of words and ideas. As a writer, I am constantly reminded of the immense power of words and the responsibility that comes with wielding them. This quote, often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, encapsulates the essence of purposeful action and meaningful creation.

Writing something worth reading goes beyond merely conveying information or sharing stories. It means touching the hearts and minds of readers, leaving a lasting impact, and igniting emotions and thoughts. Whether it's a captivating novel that transports us to distant lands, an insightful article that challenges our perspectives, or a heartfelt poem that resonates deep within our souls, these are the writings that truly matter.

On the other hand, doing something worth writing implies a life lived to the fullest, one filled with meaningful experiences, growth, and accomplishment. It urges us to take action, to explore the world around us, and to seize every opportunity that comes our way. These are the moments that create stories worth sharing, inspiring others to step out of their comfort zones and create their own narratives.

As we embark on this new week, let us strive to find the balance between writing something worth reading and doing something worth writing. Let's embrace our creativity, curiosity, and courage to produce meaningful work that resonates with people. Let's also seize the opportunities that come our way, push our boundaries, and engage in experiences that will enrich our lives and give us stories to tell.

Remember, each day is a chance to make a difference, whether through the words we write or the actions we take. So, let us approach this week with enthusiasm, dedication, and a commitment to make it count.

Wishing you an inspiring and productive week ahead, filled with moments worth writing about and stories worth reading.

Today's Haiku

Words wielded with care,

Or actions that speak volumes,

Meaning, in both, found.

Written with ❤️,

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

