Day 15 Affirmation

Apr 15, 2024 5:39 am


I Release Doubt and Trust in My Inner Wisdom

Glee greetings, !

Today's affirmation is all about shedding the heavy coat of doubt and cozying up to our inner wisdom. In order words, when, during the course of this week, you find yourself standing at the crossroads, instead of second-guessing every step, you simply trust that inner compass guiding you.

Doubt, oh doubt, it's like that annoying pebble in the shoe. It makes walking down the road to achieve purpose difficult. But guess what? Today, we're shaking it off. We're saying, "Thanks, but no thanks," to doubt's persistent whispers, and embracing the quiet confidence of our inner sage. It's like having your own personal guru tucked away inside, whispering nuggets of practical and actionable doubt-dispelling wisdom when you need them most.

Refuse to doubt your abilities today.

Refuse to doubt your skills today.

Refuse to doubt your intelligence toray.

Refuse to doubt your self-confidence today.

When doubt comes knocking, politely show it the door and turn to your inner wisdom for guidance instead.

Trust me, it's a game-changer. When you tune in to that innate knowing, suddenly the path ahead doesn't seem so daunting. You'll find yourself making decisions with a clarity that's downright refreshing.

Release doubt like a helium balloon and watch it float away, while you stand firmly rooted in your own truth, trust in the quiet whispers of your inner wisdom and let it be your guiding light this day onwards.

Until I write you again, have a doubt-free day, .

With ❤️

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

